The school is an eTwinning School for 2019-2021 & was in 2018-2019/701748. The student body consists of about 320 students ranging from 13 to 18 years of age. The students have a diverse social, cultural & educational background due to an allocation of different nationalities, ethnic minorities & different cultures, across the area of Thrace, where the School is located. In order to integrate students with such different backgrounds into comprehensive, as well as musical education, the school has adopted various practices, such as mentorship involving students of different age & background, flexible training models, such as individual tutoring, as well as attendance of mixed ability classes, frequent cooperation with parents, & social partners & so on. The majority of staff are computer literate & run innovative programs with students. The participation of the school in the last 2 Erasmus+ projects has improved their (& students’ as well) digital literacy & mobile app skills.
Overall, our School has made great progress towards achieving goals that constitute its priorities (cultivate & sustain an integrated multidisciplinary environment that facilitates excellence in research & creative activity, teaching, service, & community engagement, provide a well-rounded program of instruction using the best educational practices appropriate to the cultural instill feelings of respect for people & the environment in a context of social, moral, multi-cultural & spiritual awareness).
Also, our School has placed grave emphasis on formal & semi-formal educational processes & promoted participation in a large number of local, national & international projects. Moreover, the administration & staff attempt to enhance a climate of co-operation, mutual respect & personal growth, a fact that is highly appreciated by students, teachers, parents & members of the local community that are involved in the educational environment.
The members of the staff that will manly be involved in the project are Fotiadis Fotis, Christos Nalmbantis, Dora Karagkiozaki. They have experience in STEM, as they ran international projects in eTwinning about Sciences that included STEM practices e.g. & (Greek National Quality Labels) & have been chosen – by the Greek National Agency (this school year) to participate in the National STEM Action - to run (& they are running) 2 international projects about Arduino & Micro:bit.
Also, they were actively participated in 3 Erasmus+ projects & are highly qualified, experienced & committed to embracing modern teaching methods & strategies that optimise the effectiveness of teaching. They encourage their students to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities, both in the areas of the disciplines & general.
Fotis Fotiadis is a chemist, deputy teacher of the school, holding a master’s degree in pedagogy and science teaching, having an award of excellence and innovation from the Greek Ministry of Education, is an awarded eTwinner & experienced in European projects as he has participated in 2 Comenius & 9 Erasmus+ projects.